Refreshment Services Augusta | Gourmet Coffee and Tea Selections | Promote Productivity

3 Amazing Benefits of Drinking Coffee and Tea Daily in Augusta

Refreshment Services Augusta | Gourmet Coffee and Tea Selections | Promote Productivity

Aside from water, coffee and tea are popular workplace refreshments. That’s because they’re brimming with tempting flavors and aromas. There’s nothing better than starting your morning with a fresh cup of either beverage. Plus, it’s a great employee perk! But did you know that your Augusta coffee and tea service could also boost your team’s health and productivity? Yep, that’s right!

If you’re looking for ways to promote employee wellness, the answer is right in your Augusta break room services! Interested in learning more? Below are 3 stellar benefits of consuming coffee and tea every day.

1. Coffee & Tea Promote Health and Wellness

To start, there are plenty of health benefits of drinking coffee and tea. For instance, it promotes heart health. Furthermore, they can help keep you hydrated. And we all know that a hydrated staff is a more productive one. When you partner with us, investing in your team’s health and wellness has never been easier!

If you want to help your staff feel their best, consider adding an Augusta office coffee service to your break room line-up. Choose from our traditional brewers, single cup coffee solutions, or our bean-to-cup service. If you do, your crew can enjoy fresh, café-quality drinks all day long. There are even options for non-coffee drinkers, so everyone can enjoy this employee perk together!

2. Fuel Your Team with an Augusta Office Coffee Service

Do your employees need motivation in the morning? If so, we have the perfect solution for you! With a free coffee and tea service, everyone can fuel up to conquer the day. These beverages can boost everyone’s energy and mood at the same time. As a result, your employee satisfaction rates will soar!

Healthy Vending Augusta | Employee Wellness | Coffee and Tea Break Room Services

Adding an Augusta coffee service to your break room also increases productivity. No, we’re not kidding! When properly caffeinated, your employees will have better focus levels. They’ll be able to tackle their daily to-do lists with ease. Consequently, your company can enjoy an optimized workflow!

3. Coffee & Tea can Reduce Burnout

Busy workdays can sometimes feel stressful. But don’t worry, our Augusta refreshment services are to the rescue! Your staff can take a minute to themselves by sipping on a fresh cup of green tea or even a latte. Did we mention they can get these delicious drinks right down the hall? How convenient!

So, set your employees up for success by encouraging them to take coffee and tea breaks throughout the day. Doing so can reduce stress, improve morale, and help create a more social environment all at the same time!

Boost Employee Satisfaction with Coffee and Tea Services

If you want to increase employee wellness and office morale, allow us to assist you! Our gourmet Augusta coffee and tea services can help boost your company’s health, happiness, and productivity!

Our team of industry experts can offer guidance and advice to find your perfect fit. To learn more, visit us at Riverside Refreshments or call 706-793-2723 today. We look forward to boosting your team’s health and satisfaction!

Coffee Service Augusta | Refreshing Beverages | Employee Satisfaction

2022 Coffee Trends to Consider Adding to Your Augusta Break Room

Coffee Service Augusta | Refreshing Beverages | Employee Satisfaction

Coffee is a must-have in any Augusta workplace. However, the coffee industry is constantly changing. For instance, new products and flavors are introduced every year. In order to keep your break room cutting edge, it’s important to keep things fresh!

Interested to know what trends are hot for 2022? We’ve got you covered! Keep reading to learn five 2022 Augusta office coffee service trends to add to your break room service.

Canned Coffee Options

Canned coffee is a convenient option for office workers. It might sound odd, but we promise it’s delicious! Plus, your team can enjoy this beverage without the use of a latte or espresso machine. It can be easily stored in your Augusta break room refrigerator. Therefore, your staff can enjoy this refreshing beverage anytime!

Another wonderful selection is nitro brew. This drink has a rich, smooth texture. Not to mention, the flavor is delightful! Nitro brew can give your team something to look forward to when that afternoon slump hits. So, they can stay energized and focused at work. That’s a win for everyone!

Protein Coffee

Protein coffee, also known as “proffee,” can boost corporate health and wellness. Being enhanced with protein, it’s both nutritious and tasty! Additionally, proffee has tons of health benefits. For example, it supports bone and joint health. Moreover, protein can help your staff stay full throughout the day.

If you want to add more better-for-you options to your break room, call us today. We can strengthen your Augusta corporate wellness program together!

Brew Coffee | Augusta Eco-Friendly Practices | Refreshment Services

Non-Dairy Milk Creamers

Coffee drinkers love enhancing their cup with yummy flavors. Non-dairy milk creamers will add more variety for your team to enjoy. Another bonus, it can help your team make positive lifestyle choices. That’s because these options are brimming with nutritional perks! For instance, oat milk creamers are high in fiber and other essential nutrients. Plus, it gives your office’s tea drinkers another way to enjoy their daily cup!

So, encourage employee wellness by adding these creamers to your Augusta single cup coffee service. Equally important, it will increase staff satisfaction!

Healthy Sweeteners

Healthy sweeteners are very popular! That’s because they’re full of flavor and nutrition. Best of all, there are tons of options to choose from. For instance, employees can add honey, agave, or Stevia to their brew. Healthy sweeteners are low calorie but still packed with flavor. Additionally, it’s a great way to change things up and keep your team excited for their next visit to your Augusta bean-to-cup brewer!

Sustainable Solutions

Want to make your office greener? If so, consider adding sustainable products and supplies to your Augusta traditional office coffee service! Not only is it better for the environment, but it’ll give your team something delicious to sip on every time they visit their break room coffee station. Equally important, your team will appreciate the eco-friendly practices of your company.

Enhance Your Augusta Coffee and Tea Service with These 2022 Trends

If you’re interested in adding any of these five coffee trends to your break room, Riverside Refreshments can help! Call us today at 706-793-2723 to learn more. We can’t wait to chat with you!