Augusta Office Beverages | Cold Brew Taps | Coffee and Tea

Top Augusta Office Beverages Besides Hot Coffee

The first thing many employees do each morning is look at the office beverages and grab their favorite. For most, that’s a steaming cup of hot coffee, but not all. More than half your staff wants something else to drink. Are you offering that in your Augusta break room? We can help ensure you are.

Here are the top three office beverages consumed in the workplace:

1. Iced coffee

Iced coffee is refreshing and provides a boost of energy. It’s a popular alternative to soda. Plus, it can be less acidic than hot coffee if it’s made from cold brew coffee.

To get iced coffee in your break room, Riverside Refreshments can add a high-end cold brew tap or iced coffee machine. It’s part of our Augusta office coffee service. It’s also a great way to encourage employees to celebrate and talk together. Iced coffee has a fun vibe, yet is nonalcoholic.

Not ready for a cold brew tap? Instead, add canned or bottled cold brew and iced coffee options in a cold drink vending machine. Or better yet, in an Augusta micro market. Micro markets offer a lot of room for different drink options. Beyond cold brew, we stock many healthy snacks, fresh food, and daily essentials, too. That makes a micro market an employee retention tool.

2. Water

Employees are reaching for water more and more. Water is the best way to hydrate. It has no calories, sugars, or additives. It helps your body replace water lost during the day and boosts health. Plus, there is even research that shows it can stabilize your mood.

Augusta Vending Service | Healthy Snacks Options | Office Beverages

Our Augusta vending machines have bottled water for refreshing sips at any time. You can also take your water up a notch with water filtration service. Riverside Refreshments installs a water filtering system that removes bad-tasting particles from your office water. The water dispenser at the other end can be full-size or compact enough to sit on the counter. It includes hot and cold water taps. The result is that staff can refill cups and water bottles with great-tasting filtered water.

3. Tea, the Most Overlooked of Office Beverages

One of the most popular office beverages is tea, especially iced tea. Some brewers can make it fresh for the office. Or, you can request bottled iced tea options in your cold beverage vending machine or micro market.

Hot tea can be a strong alternative to coffee for many employees. One reason is health. Green tea especially is high in antioxidants, which may help prevent or remedy cellular damage.

Another reason some staff may choose tea over office coffee is the caffeine. Or lack thereof. If Augusta employees are sensitive to caffeine or looking for a late afternoon drink choice, they might want tea. Herbal teas are often naturally caffeine-free.

Riverside Refreshments Brings a Mix of Office Beverages to You

The right mix of office beverages is a cheap and easy benefit to offer employees. It means going beyond office coffee, however. Try iced coffee, filtered water, or tea to meet the needs of all your staff. That will help them be more productive and happier.

Don’t miss out on better employee morale over a couple of drink options. Contact Riverside Refreshments to bring in Augusta’s most popular office beverages and all your other break room needs. We’ve got service you can count on and products you want. Reach us at 706-793-2723.

Augusta Tea Service | Office Coffee | Employee Perks

Tea – The Break Room Trend Your Augusta Employees Will Love

Tea is a popular drink, and there are lots of types to choose from. It’s good for different times and moods. In the morning when you need a boost, caffeinated tea is perfect. When you’re tired in the afternoon, caffeine-free herbals and infusions can be just right as they don’t affect your sleep. There are also teas that help you stay healthy and can treat upset stomach.

Overall, this hot beverage made by the cup is a great addition to your Augusta break room. Here’s why!

Something for Everyone

Tea is an incredible beverage because of its versatility. There’s a type for every occasion, mood, and time of day.

  • Morning Energy: Start your day with a burst of energy by sipping on black or green teas. These contain caffeine that can help kick-start your morning routine. Employees will love this option every morning!
  • Afternoon Slump: When the afternoon slump hits, reach for an energizing herbal without caffeine. These can keep you awake and alert without interfering with your nighttime sleep.
  • Boosting the Immune System: Fight those pesky colds and flu with hot tea infused with vitamin C and echinacea. This blend can help bolster your immune system.
  • Soothing the Stomach: If you’re dealing with a queasy stomach, consider a variety with ginger and lemon. These ingredients are known for their soothing properties.

With so many options available, your break room can become a sanctuary of refreshment and well-being. Offering a variety of teas ensures that there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

Augusta Micro-Market | Vending Machine | Water Filtration Service

Why Tea is Great for Your Break Room

Teas are a good addition to any Augusta office coffee service because they can fit into your current break room setup easily.

  • Traditional Coffee Pots: Many offices have coffee pots with hot water spigots. That’s perfect for making tea. You just need hot water and your favorite tea bag or leaves.
  • Water Filtration System: If your office has a water filtration system, you can get hot, filtered water on demand. That makes brewing tea quick and easy.

Tea and Snacks Go Well Together

Enjoying some tea along with a snack makes your break time even more enjoyable. So next time you grab a hot cup of tea, pair it with a delicious snack from your Augusta vending machine or micro-market for the perfect combo.

Tea’s diverse flavors can match a wide array of snacks, from sweet to savory, creating a delightful and satisfying break room experience. Whether it’s a quick energy boost or a moment of relaxation, tea and snacks are a winning combination.

To sum it up, tea is a great choice for your Augusta break room. It’s easy to add, goes well with snacks, and your employees will love it. So, consider adding a variety to your break room menu. Your team will appreciate it!

Want to learn more about our customized break room solutions? Contact Riverside Refreshments at 706-793-2723 or for more details!

Augusta Healthy Vending Machine | Better-for-you Snacks | Wellness

Augusta Healthy Vending Trends to Try in Your Break Room

Healthy vending machines are must-haves in your Augusta break room. They benefit both employees and businesses. Healthy snacks support your staff’s health and wellness. Nutritional foods can also boost productivity and employee satisfaction. Thus, work output and retention improve.

Riverside Refreshments’s snack vending machines make it easy for employees to feel their best. They have 24/7 access to affordable and healthy options.

Want to add healthy snacks to your break room? Here are some tasty trends to try.

Baked Snacks

Employees want to stay healthy. But some also want to satisfy their salt cravings. Therefore, baked snacks are a great option. Most have fewer calories and less saturated fats than traditional choices. Enjoy salty snacks while keeping your waistline trim.

We can stock the Augusta vending machine with baked chips. These come in tons of flavors to meet many tastes. Or, we can add pretzels and popcorn. These are great lunchtime sides!

Protein-Packed Healthy Vending Snacks

Protein helps employees power through their workdays. It also helps them maintain a healthy weight. That’s because protein curbs hunger. Employees will feel full between meals.

Offer protein-rich vending snacks. There are plenty to try! For instance, try cheese sticks or jerky. You can also offer nuts. Almonds and cashews are packed with protein.

Have an Augusta micro-market? Ask for hard-boiled eggs and Greek yogurt. Feta and hummus are also great options. They’re stuffed with protein! Employees can grab quality on-site foods for lunch. This saves them time from driving to the store. Thus, it improves productivity. Employees will focus on their work, not driving.

Augusta Micro-Market & Vending | Healthy Office Refreshments | Break Room Water Filters

All-Natural Vending Snacks

Many employees want to eat all-natural foods, which can promote workplace wellness. That’s because all-natural snacks can improve heart health. Studies also show they can be good for your brain too!

What types of natural snacks work well in the workplace? Dried fruits or nuts are great. You can also get trail mix. These all-natural vending options are sure to please!

Want to help employees stay hydrated? Ask Riverside Refreshments about our all-natural beverages. We carry bottled water and 100% juices. Or, get canned sparkling drinks.

Need a different solution? No problem! An Augusta water filtration service is a great healthy beverage option. It removes chemicals, so the water tastes fresh. We have countertop and floor-standing systems so our water filters fit break rooms of all sizes. They even have hot and cold spigots. Thus, you can add fresh water to your glass or make some hot tea.

Riverside Refreshments Is Your One-Stop Shop for Healthy Vending Snacks

In conclusion, healthy vending options can improve your workplace. Employees will eat healthier. Thus, they may take fewer sick days. They’ll also stay focused. Healthy snacks are also a powerful retention tool.

Riverside Refreshments offers many nutritional items. We have baked and all-natural snacks. We also carry bottled water and juice. Or, get a water filtration system.

Contact us today at 706-793-2723 for more information. Ask us about our vending, micro-market, and office coffee service solutions. We hope to hear from you soon!

Augusta Breakfast Options | Office Food | Vending Service

3 Breakfast Replacements to Try in Your Augusta Break Room

Mornings can be hectic. Getting to work on time sometimes means you don’t have time for breakfast. Yet, there’s a good reason people say it’s the most important meal of the day. Without that morning meal, it can be hard to be productive and get work done. So, if you missed breakfast this morning, look for one of these options in your Augusta break room.

1. Protein-Rich Snacks

Chances are your Augusta vending machine has some healthy snacks high in protein. And when looking for a good breakfast replacement, something that’s high in protein is a great choice. Why? Because protein helps you feel full for a long time. Plus, protein helps keep your blood sugar stable. That means you’ll have the energy you need for your busy workday.

Some good vending products to try include protein-rich granola bars and protein bars. Many vending machines also offer meat snacks such as jerky, which are also high in protein. Yet another option is a fortified drink.

2. Breakfast Foods

Would you prefer a more traditional breakfast? Our Augusta micro-market refreshment service solution offers lots of choices. Take a look in the glass front cooler for egg sandwiches, hard-boiled eggs, or yogurt. You can also find a variety of cereals and whole fruit in the micro-market.

Augusta Micro-Market Breakfast | Office Coffee Service | Productivity

To complement your breakfast, visit your Augusta office coffee service. For many people, a cup of coffee is important for starting the day off right. Serve up a cappuccino from the single-cup coffee service. Or, make a hot cup of tea.

3. Drinkable Breakfast Options

If you’re in a rush, a filling drink can be the perfect, quick breakfast. For example, why not try some milk? Both chocolate and plain milk are breakfast staples. Milk is great for bone health because it has calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and protein. Find dairy milk and plant-based alternatives in the coolers of your micro-market. Or, check your cold drink beverage vending machine.

Another great breakfast drink is fruit juice. Fruit juices provide vitamins and minerals your body needs. Plus, they offer a boost of sugar to get you energized. Pair them with a healthy snack to sustain your energy, such as nuts and trail mix.

Don’t forget to hydrate! Although water isn’t considered a breakfast food, it’s essential for your body. In order to drink enough water, start drinking water in the early morning and drink often throughout the day. Head to your break room to fill your water bottle.

Need better-tasting water? We offer Augusta water filtration services. Our water filtration systems filter out anything that makes water taste bad. It’s also great for making your office coffee taste better.

Bring More Breakfast Foods to Your Break Room

Does your Augusta break room need more breakfast options? Having these foods in the break room is important for keeping employees energized and productive. When employees can easily access healthy, filling foods and snacks, they can get work done.

Riverside Refreshments is here to help stock your break room with a wide variety of breakfast options. Get in touch today at 706-793-2723.

Augusta Break Room Snacks | Office Coffee Beat Winter Blues | Micro-Markets

Help Augusta Employees Conquer Winter Blues

Between the chillier weather, darker days, and busy schedules, it’s no wonder why many of us experience winter blues. Unfortunately, this can also affect how employees feel at work. And if they don’t feel their best, they can’t perform their best! Therefore, it’s important to support employees throughout the season.

One way to help winter blues is by adding some simple break room upgrades. The break room is somewhere employees go to relax and recharge between tasks, so make an uplifting space that will inspire and motivate them. If you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry! We can help you create a great Augusta break room service that’s customized to fit your needs.

From healthy snacks to positive messaging, a great break room can keep employees energized and happy all season long. Keep reading for the best ways to help employees conquer the winter blues.

Change Up Your Augusta Office Coffee Service

How you start the morning can determine the vibe for the rest of your day. And there’s nothing like a fresh cup of coffee in the morning to instantly boost your mood. Take your Augusta office coffee service to the next level by adding a single-cup coffee brewer. With a single-cup coffee machine, employees can try a variety of different brews and flavors. For example, there are fun and delicious options like a vanilla latte, cappuccino, and more. This will bring a new outlook into the break room so your team can start their days right.

Encourage Healthy Living at Work to Beat Winter Blues

Augusta Break Room Trends | Employee Benefits Beat Winter Blues | Office Perks

Physical and mental health go hand in hand. When employees eat well and move their bodies, they’ll feel and do well, too! So embrace corporate wellness by bringing in healthy programs, such as a walking club during lunch. This is a simple yet effective way to support employees in the fight against winter blues, as getting outside helps with seasonal low moods.

It’s also essential to provide your team with healthy snacks and beverages in your Augusta micro-market. Winter is an especially good time to request fresh veggies, fruit, and protein-packed food options in the break room. In addition, you can encourage hydration with an Augusta water filtration service. Staying hydrated and drinking enough clean water is the key to preventing headaches and fatigue, which can lead to a lower mood.

Inspire a positive workplace

It’s no secret that a good mood and positive attitude spreads to those around you. Fortunately, there are a few easy ways to inspire optimism in the workplace. For example, you can share happy playlists via a shared QR code — from classic holiday tunes to upbeat jams! Additionally, putting inspiring and motivating quotes in the break room will remind employees to stay positive. Have employees volunteer to make these posters and post them on the walls of your break room so they can get involved.

Support Your Team to Banish Winter Blues!

Winter blues, who? Give your hardworking employees the tools to make it through the season. Contact Riverside Refreshments at 706-793-2723 or for more information about our micro-market, office coffee, vending, or water filtration services. We look forward to working with you!

Beverage Vending Augusta | Wellness Program | Coffee and Tea Service | Refreshment Services

Benefits of a Wellness Program in Your Augusta Vending Service

Beverage Vending Augusta | Wellness Program | Coffee and Tea Service | Refreshment Services

Having a corporate wellness program is essential for every Augusta business. Because of this, more and more companies are now putting their employees’ well-being front and center. As a matter of fact, it’s crucial to keep your team healthy. Wellness initiatives keep your employees happy and focused. Best of all, they can benefit your business too!

It’s never been easier to introduce wellness programs into the workplace. In fact, you can easily enhance your Augusta break room with healthy solutions! If you need help, we are here to assist!

We’ve included some tips on how to encourage health and wellness in the workplace below. Keep reading to learn how doing so can benefit both your staff and your business!

Benefits of a Wellness Program

Workplace wellness can benefit your team in many ways. For example, healthy employees have more energy and focus. As a result, they’re more productive and can tackle their tasks more effectively. Consequently, this allows your business to have a better workflow!

Additionally, a healthy staff will also reduce your company’s healthcare expenses. Plus, healthy employees use fewer sick days. Score! Plus, corporate wellness programs boost employee satisfaction. How? By showing your staff how much you care about their well-being. So, consider adding our Augusta healthy vending machines to your break room line up. You won’t regret it!

Augusta Vending | Promote Productivity | Wellness Program | Positive Lifestyle Choices

How Your Break Room Can Help Your Corporate Wellness Program

  1. First, there are tons of ways to encourage health in the office! For instance, you can begin by offering fresh foods in your Augusta micro-market. These quality offerings will help your staff make better choices. Moreover, it will boost their overall health!
  2. Second, stock up on nutrient dense snacks. Better-for-you products will keep your employees on track and fueled throughout the day. So, fill your Augusta snack vending machines with items like nuts, low calorie chips, and protein bars. These items offer more to your staff than just a tasty treat.
  3. Third, add healthy items to your Augusta coffee and tea service menu. Did you know that green tea can boost immunity? That’s right! Your employees can fuel up on energizing coffee or tea and conquer their day!
  4. Finally, opt for a water filtration service when upgrading your Augusta refreshment services. This will keep your team properly hydrated and feeling great. Plus, it helps with their productivity and focus. Therefore, your team will feel great while performing even better!

Enhance Your Break Room with an Augusta Healthy Vending Service

Do you want to boost workplace wellness? If so, contact Riverside Refreshments today! Our specialists will help you choose the perfect refreshment services to fit your needs. It’s a win-win for everyone!

To learn more, call us today at 706-793-2723. We can’t wait to get started!