We provide the Central Savannah River Area the very best break room services.
Ask us howRiverside Refreshments can help your company promote employee health and wellness. We work with your human resource manager or wellness committee to create a custom program that includes food made with quality ingredients, low calorie snacks, and high-nutrient beverages. All items are pre-packed for less exposure to germs and meet contactless service guidelines. Healthy programs are available for all our service segments, including micro-markets, pantry service, or even vending machines.
Reach out todayTechnology helps reduce the spread of germs at vending machines and micro-market kiosks in the Central Savannah River Area. That is why all our equipment accepts mobile payments and credit cards, so customers can avoid using currency that has been passed through dozens of unwashed hands. Riverside Refreshments always offers the latest technology as a way to better serve our customers.
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